Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ten Dollar Carrots

I went back and repeated my 16 mile run this Saturday. The very exciting news for the day was the Cha decided to run the first 3 with me! Sort of nice to have a little company. Until she left me and sprinted up and over Don Donnelly Hill and circled back to head home, double high-fiving me as she went by. For a second I was crazy-mad that I could not pour on the gas and run with her... but I still had 14.5 more miles to go that day, so I hung back and marveled at the youngster leaving me in the dust. She is going to run the 5k in Memphis with Loving Man while I do the 1/2. So with 3 weeks to go, she is beginning her training! When I returned home 3 hours later, the Cha was just waking up from her nap. Ah to be 15 again...!

I am liking to see her gain an interest in running. What a great thing to find the love for running at a young age. If she enjoys it, she can look forward to a lifetime of healthy living. I hope so much for her sake that she will find the fun and good feelings from running... and that's exactly why I am paying her $10 for each 3 miles she runs!!! Ok, so maybe it is a form of Teenager Blackmail, but she has text messaging to pay for and Christmas shopping to do! Why not hang a $10 carrot in front of those young legs???! If I had been incentivized to run for money when I was her age, I would have been in way better shape as a teenager. I did gymnastics and weight training then, but oh how I hated running! It blows my mind how far I run now as an old lady compared to what I would do back then.

So speaking of young legs - mine are not! I iced like crazy when I got home, and I can't remind you enough of how important that is. As I finished that 16 miles, I was feeling it in my ankles, knees and hips. And the toes were really aching for some reason. All I could think about was how much relief those icepacks would bring, and boy did they! Later, I took a luke-warm bath with Epsom Salt and felt really good. But today... the gimping is still evident. I know I will feel better tomorrow, but wow, the Sundays after these long Saturday runs are tough on the old hide!

Cha is happy to report no sore muscles, no aches or pains whatsoever. Wow...

1 comment:

Pat said...

We did 11 on Saturday. I bonked at the end because I'm not fueling enough. It was the four of us, so we kept each other entertained.

Glad to hear you got your 16 out of the way. I'd like my kids to run with me, but I think they'd ask for more than a ten spot.