Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Another big error I made when I started running for the marathon last year, was not following a training program.  My e-Coaches all began to tell me about the importance of "Rest Days", and sure enough, when I downloaded a Marathon training program, there was an abundance of rest days!

I had just been running a little more every day... EVERY DAY!  And I was up to about 10 miles.

Every Day!

Turns out... as you work muscles you are actually creating "injuries" to them.  The rest days are the days they heal and the days you "Build Fitness".  Rest days are a vital part of creating your ability to go faster and longer.  

And another huge thing I noticed when I downloaded my Run your first Marathon program, was I was running WAY too many miles each day!  Another BONUS!  Run less and rest more and finish a marathon???!!!  It was counter intuitive to me at the time, but I quickly and readily made the adjustment!

And all of the sudden, this marathon was looking doable!  Short runs - 4, 3, 5 miles off and on during the weekdays and one long run on the weekend?  This could be done and easily worked into my day without cutting into work or anything!  So, I chose Saturdays as my long run days and Sundays as rest days.  Toss in another rest day or two during the middle of the week - and only one hour runs during the week... piece of cake!!!!

Once I started following the schedule, I felt better, I was taking better care of my body and I was on my way to one day running 26.2 miles.  And sure enough, it happened.  Just like the training schedule dictated.

So... join a running club or download a training schedule and follow the rules.  They are created by the pro's, and now they make perfect sense to me!  And now I am 48 years old and gonna do it again!

Happy Rest Day!

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